S4 into S5
General Information

In S5 a young person will continue the senior phase of their secondary education. During this year of study, young people will follow a core programme of Physical Education and PSE. Young people will then have the opportunity to complete their studies selecting five subjects. In so doing they will experience personalisation and choice within their studies. At this stage, young people will choose to continue with a depth of study in subjects from S4, a breadth of study in subjects not previously studied in S4 or a combination of both.
Within the senior phase curriculum, young people have the opportunity to undertake a schools-college links course with our NESCoL partner. These courses are run at the NESCoL campus in Aberdeen, Fraserburgh or Altens. Young people would undertake a full S5 timetable and attend their school-college links course either one full day or two half days a week. Information regarding the courses available can be found on the NESCoL website. A link to the NESCoL website can be found in the 'More' section at the top pf this page. If a young person is interested in applying for a school-college links course, they must speak to their Pastoral Care teacher.
Furthermore, young people in S5 can study a Foundation Apprenticeship. These are work-based learning opportunities where young people will spend time in school/college completing the NPA element of the course and time out of school/college at an employer completing the SVQ element of the course. At Meldrum Academy, there are two Level 6 Foundation Apprenticeships delivered in school, namely Children and Young People, and Health and Social Care. More information regarding these courses can be found in the 'Alternative Provision' tile of the 'Learning Pathways - All Faculties' section on the menu bar at the top of this page. Additional Foundation Apprenticeship courses are available for study through NESCoL as a school-college links course. More information can be found on the NESCoL website.
During the subject choice process, a parents information evening will be held in the school to which all S4 parents are invited. Senior leaders will explain the subject choice process to parents and answer any generic questions they have. Parents will receive information regarding the arrangements for this event one week prior to the event. Parents should look out for this.
Following the parent's information evening, an assembly will be held for young people to explain the subject choice process. Generic questions will be answered. Young people will have the opportunity to speak to their teachers during lesson time to help them decide which pathway is the most suitable for them. Information will also be shared with young people and their parents through the S4 report.