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NESCOL School links courses

NESCOL school links courses are a great opportunity for you to learn at College on a part time basis whilst still studying at school. NESCOL are able to offer subjects that cannot always be offered in our curriculum and taking one of the courses below can benefit you in many ways. 

It is important to note that any school links course you wish to undertake will require a short application form, which is completed in conjunction with your Pastoral Care teacher. Some important information worth knowing is below:

  • Applications open on: 20th February

  • Applications close on: 25th March

  • A short personal statement is needed and a reference from your Pastoral Care teacher. (Please speak to your Pastoral Care teacher in the first instance for more information).

  • The following North East Scotland College (NESCol) school-link courses are available to senior pupils in all Aberdeenshire schools and in some cases also to pupils from schools in Aberdeen City.

  • Where more than venue/date/time is shown these are options for the same course.

  • If the number of applicants exceeds the number of available places for any course then a NESCol selection process will be required.

  • NESCol may not proceed with running a course if there is insufficient uptake to make a class viable.

  • Clicking on the tiles of each course to take you to the information page on the NESCol website. These are samples of the courses on offer.

 You apply on the page of the course you are interested in with your pastoral care teacher. You DO NOT do this on your own.

CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL NESCOL 24-25 OFFER   Relevant links are at the right hand side.


SCQF Level 6

Meldrum Academy, Colpy Road, Oldmeldrum, Aberdeenshire, AB51 0NT

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