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This course provides candidates with the opportunity to develop skills in reading, listening, talking and writing, which are essential for learning, for work and for life; to use different media effectively for learning and communication; to develop understanding of how language works; and to use language to communicate ideas and information.  




1 Year full time/

5 periods per week


Assignment (12.5%) – one piece of discursive writing 200-250 words long. 


Reading – 25% 

Listening – 25% 

Talking – 25% 

Directed Writing– 12.5% 


No cost although pupils may want to buy a bilingual dictionary. 


Mrs Laing

Mr Smith

Mrs Sayers


Learning a language enables candidates to make connections with different people and their cultures and to play a fuller part as global citizens. The ability to use language effectively lies at the centre of thinking and learning. Candidates reflect, communicate and develop ideas through language.   


The study of a modern language has a unique contribution to make to the development of cultural awareness, providing candidates with opportunities to enhance their understanding and enjoyment of other cultures and of their own.   


Having a Higher Spanish is still very rareacross the country and will help you stand out. Bear in mind too that languages are classified as facilitating subjects: which are subjects favoured by top universities for a whole range of degree courses, so they are a great option, whatever you want to do! 


Scientific studies demonstrate that studying another language has a positive impact on brain development and functioning. It enhances creativity, memory, problem solving skills, and ambiguity tolerance. It has been even demonstrated that the onset of Alzheimer's disease is delayed in bilingual people as compared to monolinguals. 

This is an interesting article about how learning a language develops other skills. 



Higher Spanish is very much a continuation to National 5. You will study similar topics but be encouraged to understand and use more complex language. You will also begin to use texts with less personal and more discursive language.  


You will study in a very supportive environment where you will have access to a wide range of up-to-date resources (many digitally based) to help you achieve the best grade possible.  


Check out our Twitter and Instagram profiles for more information on the types of learning that takes place in our classrooms: @MeldrumMFL. 


entry requirements

  • National 5 Spanish

  • An A grade in Higher French

  • An A grade in Higher German 


The course is graded  

A: Band 1, Band 2 

B: Band 3, Band 4 

C: Band 5, Band 6 

D: Band 7 


Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course


In the global economy, one of the most valuable traits an employee can possess is the ability to speak a second or multiple languages. Knowing an additional language illustrates to an employer the value you bring as an employee and a person. Here are five reasons why speaking a foreign language can help you in your career. 

1. Marketability 

When creating your CV, you want to showcase yourself as the most appealing candidate you can be; referencing a second language is a great way to do that. Potential employers realise bilingual employees are at a premium in the marketplace and having these skills can make you an attractive candidate.  


2. Distinguishability 

The competition for jobs can be intense, and it’s critical to find ways to differentiate yourself from other applicants. If you are in a pool with 10 other corporate recruiters and your collective skills are similar, knowing a foreign language can be the unique talent that gets you that coveted first interview. 


3. Relationship Building 

Being able to speak a second or third language transcends spoken dialogue. The skill enables you to relate to different cultural groups in a more personal manor. Speaking to someone in his or her own language helps break down barriers and allows everyone to feel more comfortable and confident. This type of dialogue and relationship building is crucial in any business setting. When you are interacting with clients, vendors, and colleagues, knowing their language, even if they also speak English, can elevate the professional relationship. This can lead to more sales, better service and stronger interactions with colleagues. 



4. Appeal to Global Companies 

Many people are passionate about working for an international company. As companies broaden their reach across continents and service a diverse population, global corporations are demanding candidates who will immerse themselves in other cultures. Foreign language fluency will give you the opportunity to showcase yourself as a global employee, which can be filled with exciting, fulfilling and lucrative professional opportunities. If you like to travel, you can boost your chance of getting selected for international travel based on your abilities to speak a foreign language. Also, your skills could put you in line for a promotion. 



5. Improvement of Other Crucial Business Skills 

• Some research suggests students who receive second language instruction are more creative and better at solving complex problems than those who do not. 

• Juggling between different languages can improve multitasking abilities. 

• According to a study from the University of Chicago, people who speak multiple languages are more confident with their choices after thinking it over in the second language and seeing whether their initial conclusions still stand up. 


Benefits of multilingualism in the workplace 


Language skills = great business 

my world of work

This link will take you to an excellent resource on MyWOW which looks at potential career routes when you select a combination of subjects. 


Information from pupils who have studied this course as to how they feel it was.

Erin - S5

I enjoyed the course as the teachers are very approachable and helpful and the lessons are always fun and interesting! It is hard to learn languages, but all of the work done on the course is helpful; this is why the languages department has such good pass rates. My Nat 5 Spanish class last year all got an “A”! Languages are also very useful in the world of work and you will never regret taking them!


Fiona - S5

I picked higher Spanish because I found it the easiest and most useful language to me. I enjoyed going to the uni to see the language departments and having more fun opportunities. If I have any regrets, it would be not taking another language as well, but every course has bad parts! I would recommend higher Spanish because it’s not hard to do well and there are enjoyable parts.

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