The Higher History course allows candidates to develop a greater understanding of the world by learning about other people and their values, in different times, places and circumstances. The course helps candidates to develop a map of the past and an appreciation and understanding of the forces which have shaped the world today. This will be achieved through the study of three main units, Church, State and Feudal Society 1066-1406, The Scottish Wars of Independence and The Crusades, as well as an independent study into a topic of the candidate’s choice.
1 Year full time/
5 periods per week
Assignment of 1 hour and 30 minutes
Question Paper 1 –
1 hour 30 minutes
Question Paper 2 –
1 hour 30 minutes
Miss Catton
Mrs Jackson
Higher History gives candidates opportunities to develop important attitudes including an open mind and respect for the values, beliefs and cultures of others; openness to new thinking and ideas; and a sense of responsibility and global citizenship.
The course also emphasises the development and application of skills. The focus on evaluating sources develops candidates’ thinking skills. They also develop skills in literacy through using and synthesising information in different ways.
By working through the units which make up the Higher History course you will experience and develop:
a conceptual understanding of the past and an ability to think independently
a range of skills including the ability to apply a detailed historical perspective in a range of contexts
the skills of analysing various interpretations of historical sources and critically evaluating a variety of views
an understanding of the relationship between factors contributing to, and the impact of, historical events
the skills of analysing, evaluating and synthesising historical information
the skills of researching complex historical issues, drawing well-reasoned conclusions
The course assessment consists of:
Two question papers:
Paper 1 will sample essay questions from across the Church, State and Feudal Society Unit and The Crusades Unit.
Paper 2 will sample source skills questions from the Scottish Wars of Independence Unit.
Both question papers will be marked by SQA and together are worth 80/110 marks available.
An assignment which is a write-up about research you completed into a topic of your choice. Some topics chosen in recent years include the reasons why people went on Crusade, the role of William Wallace in the Scottish Wars of Independence and King John’s attempts to increase his power in England. It will be marked by SQA and is worth 30/110 marks available.
Everything you need to know before selecting this course
entry requirements
A National 5 qualification at grades A-C in History or another Social Subject. If you do not have a Nat 5 in a Social Subject please see the PT of Social Subjects – a pass in Nat 5 English at A-C may also be acceptable for entry into Higher History.
what will you get?
The course is graded
A: Band 1, Band 2
B: Band 3, Band 4
C: Band 5, Band 6
D: Band 7
Everything you need to know about future pathways from this course
Most careers will benefit from your experience in History however some jobs more closely related to the skills and knowledge developed include teacher, art gallery curator, museums work, tourism, archivist, antiques dealer, archaeologist, conservator, civil service, law and journalism.
Skills developed through History:
Problem Solving: working independently, resilience, time management, positive work ethic.
Leadership: leading groups, building confidence, organisational skills. You are required to complete coursework which demands you to take responsibility for your own learning and have a proactive, motivated attitude towards your studies.
Teamwork: working successfully in a group, delegation, presenting information.
Communication: working with others, presenting findings, using clear and concise language.
Other: making conclusions, making and justifying a decision, analysing and evaluating sources and historical arguments.
my world of work
This link will take you to an excellent resource on MyWOW which looks at potential career routes when you select a combination of subjects.
Information from pupils who have studied this course as to how they feel it was.
Brogan Dray- S6
“I initially took History after being recommended it by a friend and I can confidently say that it was a great decision. At Higher we look at feudal society, the Scottish Wars of Independence and Crusades and albeit the large workload it is worth it – studying History has been a life-changing experience.”